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2023 Holloran Oregon Stainless Steel Chardonnay

This 2023 Holloran Chardonnay ‘Stainless Steel’ comes from our Le Pavillon vineyard in the Dundee Hills. The vines were planted in 1972 with the Draper selection of Chardonnay. They are own-rooted. 

This vineyard is farmed organic and biodynamic. These very old vines have deep roots, providing powerful ripening of the fruit, deep flavors and a very long finish.
The block is small, about 1.5 acres. The soils are volcanic, Jory Series, a deep, ancient red silty clay loam. The elevation is 600’, with a south aspect. 
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2022 Holloran Sauvignon Blanc "Sur Les Peaux" Eola-Amity Hills

The 2022 Holloran Sauvignon Blanc Sur Les Peaux   comes from our La Chenaie vineyard in the Eola-Amity Hills. The block was planted in 2006. It consists of 5 different clones of Sauvignon Blanc, some from Italy, others from France.

This vineyard is farmed organic. The site is exposed to the winds from the Van Duzer corridor, a gap in the coastal range immediately to the west of the vineyard. This cooling influence helps the fruit retain bright, crisp acid, contributing to the character of this wine.

This wine shows nicely young, but will evolve substantially with bottle age softening the tannins present from fermenting on the skins, and exposing additional aromas and flavors. It will age well in a cool cellar for 8 – 12 years.


Recommended drinking window 2024-2034. Serve chilled but not ice cold, a touch cooler than cellar temperature to expose all the flavors & aromas. 

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2021 Holloran Chardonnay "Cuvée L"

This 2021 Holloran Chardonnay comes from our Le Pavillon vineyard in the Dundee Hills. It represents the three best barrels that our winemaker Mark LaGasse selected.

There are often significant differences between barrels, even with a small lot like Le Pavillon Chardonnay, resulting from different age barrels, different barrel makers, varying yeasts that were used, and other factors. 

The vines were planted in 1972 with the Draper selection of Chardonnay. They are own-rooted. This vineyard is farmed organic and biodynamic. These very old vines have deep roots, providing powerful ripening of the fruit, deep flavors and a very long finish.

The block is small, about 1.5 acres. The soils are volcanic, Jory Series, a deep, ancient red silty clay loam. The elevation is 600’, with a south aspect.

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2022 Holloran Pinot Noir Willamette Valley

The 2022 Willamette Valley Pinot Noir is blended from carefully selected barrels from our best blocks in the Dundee Hills and the EolaAmity Hills. These sites have soils primarily derived from volcanic parent materials. The basalt lying underneath was deposited between 15 and 17 million years ago, and originated in eastern Oregon.

All of our sites are farmed organic or biodynamic with all key vineyard tasks performed by hand. Shoot-thinning and positioning, leaf removal, crop reduction and hedging are all done by our dedicated vineyard crew members, to optimize quality.

The blocks used for this wine are comprised of our oldest vineyards, including ANA and Le Pavillon vineyards (Dundee Hills), and La Chenaie (Eola-Amity Hills).

Drinking 2024 – 2037, decanting suggested first 5 years.

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2021 Holloran Pinot Noir Dundee Hills

The fruit we source for this wine comes from our Le Pavillon and ANA vineyards in the Dundee Hills. 

Le Pavillon was planted in 1972, and the Pinot Noir blocks consist of 60% own-rooted Pommard, and 40% a blend of Dijon 114, 115 and Wadenswil. It is farmed organic and biodynamic. Elevation is 580’ – 690’, primarily south facing. 
ANA vineyard was planted starting in 1974, and the blocks are 38% own rooted Pommard (south facing), and 62% Dijon 777 (west facing). ANA is also farmed organic and biodynamic. Elevation is 260’ to 475’. 
These two vineyards contain old vine, ownrooted Pinot Noir blocks that are some of the oldest in the Willamette Valley. This wine benefits from the deep roots of these beautiful old vines. 
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2021 Holloran Pinot Noir Eola-Amity Hills

The fruit we source for this wine comes from our La Chenaie vineyard in the Eola-Amity Hills AVA, located west of Salem near Rickreall. It is a 104 acre site, planted starting in 2001, with 27 acres under vine of Pinot Noir, Tempranillo, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling and Cabernet Franc.

Pinot Noir clones at the site include Dijon 777, 667, 115, 114, Wadenswil and Pommard, along with older ‘heritage’ clones. 
The soils are a mix of clay and silty loam known as Jory, Gelderman, and Ritner, in that order from the deepest to the most shallow soils on the ridges. Our Pinot Noir vines are all impacted by cool afternoon breezes from the Van Duzer corridor, which also keep the nights cool and clusters dry, retaining acidity. It has been farmed organically since 2005. 
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2021 Holloran Pinot Noir ANA

ANA vineyard is in the Dundee Hills AVA within the Willamette Valley. Our winery sits at the south end of the ANA vineyard. ANA is a 20 acre site, planted starting in 1974, with 15 acres under vine. We dry farm this site, forcing the roots down many meters. Our farming is organic and biodynamic.

This wine is a blend of three different PN blocks within ANA: 50% from a south facing own-rooted Pommard block planted in 1974-75; 21% from the “Tiki” block (adjacent to the Tiki hut visible as you enter the property), which has an assortment of PN clones and selections; and 29% from a west facing block of Dijon 777, planted in the early 1980’s. The 777 block sets on a steep west facing slope, with strong afternoon sun exposure.

The three blocks produce Pinot Noirs that are quite different, and this blend represents a selection chosen by our winemaker Mark LaGasse to highlight ANA PN’s many characteristics. 

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2021 Holloran Pinot Noir Le Pavillon

The Le Pavillon Vineyard site in the heart of the Red Hills AVA in Dundee, is our oldest and most unique vineyard. This 10 acre site features own-
rooted Pommard clone Pinot Noir planted in 1972, along with Chardonnay and Riesling, making it one of the oldest surviving vineyards in the Willamette Valley.
The soils are volcanic-based Jory with subsurface parent material of fractured basalt. The vines are not irrigated, forcing the roots to seek water and minerals deep underground. The average elevation is 617 feet, with a south facing 9.7% slope.
This vineyard has been farmed organically since 1999 and biodynamic since 2006, The Pinot Noir clones are primarily Pommard, with some Wadenswil, 114 & 115 grafted on to other original plantings, to provide clonal diversity.
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2021 Holloran Pinot Noir La Chenaie

Our La Chenaie vineyard site is in the EolaAmity Hills AVA located west of Salem near Rickreall. It is a 104 acre site, planted starting in 2001, with 27 acres under vine of Pinot Noir, Tempranillo, Sauvignon Blanc, and Riesling. Some Pinot Noir clones at the site include Dijon 777, 667, 115, 114, Wadenswil and Pommard, along with older ‘heritage’ clones. The average elevation is 507 feet, with a south facing 8% slope.

The soils are a mix of clay and silty loam known as Jory, Gelderman, and Ritner, in that order from the deepest to the most shallow soils on the ridges. Our Pinot Noir vines are all impacted by cool afternoon breezes from the Van Duzer corridor, which also keep the nights cool and clusters dry, retaining acidity. It has been farmed organically since 2005.

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2021 Holloran Pinot Noir 'La Valise' Eola-Amity Hills

La Valise (“the suitcase”)  is a small block at La Chenaie planted to a heritage selection of Pinot Noir brought to Oregon ‘in a suitcase’. This selection is not from an official PN clone certified by the USDA, and produces wines that are quite different from our other PN clones.

Our La Chenaie vineyard site is in the Eola-Amity Hills AVA located west of Salem near Rickreall. It is a 104 acre site, planted starting in 2001, with 27 acres under vine of Pinot Noir, Tempranillo, Sauvignon Blanc, and Riesling. The average elevation is 507 feet, with a south facing 8% slope.

The soils in this block are Gelderman (Jory series). The vines are impacted by cool afternoon breezes from the Van Duzer corridor, which also keep the nights cool and clusters dry, retaining acidity. It has been farmed organically since 2005.


Drink 2024 – 2036, decanting recommended in early years.

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2021 Holloran Pinot Noir "Cuvée L"

The Le Pavillon Vineyard site in the heart of the Red Hills AVA in Dundee, is our oldest and most unique vineyard. This 10 acre site features ownrooted Pommard clone Pinot Noir planted in 1972, along with Chardonnay and Riesling, making it one of the oldest surviving vineyards in the Willamette Valley.

The soils are volcanic-based Jory with subsurface parent material of fractured basalt. The vines are not irrigated, forcing the roots to seek water and minerals deep underground. The average elevation is 617 feet, with a south facing 9.7% slope.

This vineyard has been farmed organically since 1999 and biodynamic since 2006, The Pinot Noir clones are primarily Pommard, with some Wadenswil, 114 & 115 grafted on to other original plantings, to provide clonal diversity. 

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2021 Holloran Tempranillo Eola-Amity Hills

This wine comes from our La Chenaie vineyard site in the Eola-Amity Hills AVA, located west of Salem near Rickreall Oregon. It is a 104 acre site, planted starting in 2001, with 27.4 acres under vine of Pinot Noir, Tempranillo, Sauvignon Blanc, and Riesling. There are currently 4 acres of Tempranillo planted with 5 different Tempranillo clones - Valdepenas, Tempranillo Clone 1, Clone 2, ‘Duero’ (Clone 12) and ‘Tinta de Toro’ (Clone 11).

We drop a substantial amount of fruit every year at this site in order to ripen the grapes fully for harvest. The average elevation is 507 feet, with south and east facing slopes.

The soils are a mix of clay silt and loam known as Jory, Gelderman, and Ritner, with Ritner being the shallow more rocky soils where the hills crest, Gelderman just below, and Jory deeper and farther down the slopes. It farmed organic and biodynamic.

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2021 Holloran Tempranillo La Chenaie

This wine comes from our La Chenaie vineyard site in the Eola-Amity Hills AVA, located west of Salem near Rickreall Oregon. It is a 104 acre site, planted starting in 2001, with 27.4 acres under vine of Pinot Noir, Tempranillo, Sauvignon Blanc, and Riesling. 

This Tempranillo is a blend of 50% Clone 1, 33% Valdepenas & 17% Clone 11. 
We drop a substantial amount of fruit every year at this site in order to ripen the grapes fully for harvest. The soils for this wine are Jory Series, including Gelderman, Saum & Jory. Our La Chenaie vineyard is farmed practicing organic and Biodynamic methods. 
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2018 Holloran Riesling Willamette Valley

Our 2018 Holloran Riesling is a blend of 48 year old vines from the Dundee Hills (Geisenheim 110 and Colmar 813 clones), and our La Chenaie Riesling block (Geisenheim 239) planted 2005.

We employ biodynamic farming techniques in both sites. We perform crop estimates and then drop significant amounts of fruit to reduce crop and ensure ripe and complex Riesling fruit flavors.

The soils in both sites are from volcanic parent material. The Dundee site is Jory, the La Chenaie Riesling is on Ritner, a shallower soil from the Jory series on rockier ridges. They are classified as silty clay loam soils, and are distinctively red. The color comes from iron, the only residual mineral after 15 million years of rainfall has leached out the other metals. 

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2021 Holloran Riesling Le Pavillon

Our 2021 “Le Pavillon” Riesling is crafted from some of the oldest own-rooted vines in the Willamette Valley. It was planted in 1972 in what is now our 10 acre Le Pavillon site in the Red Hills of Dundee, alongside Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. It extends from 480’ to 680’, with the average elevation being at 617’. The 9.70% slopes are mainly south facing. 

In addition to being completely dry farmed, we employ biodynamic farming techniques in the vineyard. We drop significant amounts of fruit to reduce crop and ensure fully ripe Riesling flavors. There are currently 1.5 acres of Riesling planted at Le Pavillon. 
The soil consists of several degrees of decomposing volcanic soil, primarily Jory with subsurface fractured basalt parent material.
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2021 Holloran Riesling La Chenaie

The 2021 growing season was warmer than the 20-year average. The ‘heat dome’ experienced in late June (temps over 115 for a couple days) did not have a significant effect as the berries had just set. The fruit was hand sorted before pressing.

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2022 Holloran Riesling La Chenaie

Our 2022 La Chenaie Riesling is made from a clone of Riesling - Geisenheim 239 - that is quite different from the more prevalent Riesling clones grown in the valley – Geisenheim 110, Colmar 813 and others. It is a 0.9 acre block, and was planted in 2005 on a rocky, south - southeast portion of La Chenaie that is at 480 – 500 feet elevation. The vines are partially shielded from the Van Duzer winds which impact the microclimate of La Chenaie.
We drop fruit as needed to reduce crop and ensure fully ripe Riesling flavors. This clone sets small clusters every year, quite different from other Riesling clones we see in the valley.
The soil is from the Jory series including Gelderman & Ritner with subsurface fractured basalt parent material.
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2021 Holloran Chardonnay Le Pavillon 1.5

This 2021 Holloran Chardonnay comes from our Le Pavillon vineyard in the Dundee Hills. The vines were planted in 1972 with the Draper selection of Chardonnay. They are own-rooted.

This vineyard is farmed organic and biodynamic. These very old vines have deep roots, providing powerful ripening of the fruit, deep flavors and a very long finish.

The block is small, about 1.5 acres. The soils are volcanic, Jory Series, a deep, ancient red silty clay loam. The elevation is 600’, with a south aspect.

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2021 Holloran Pinot Noir Le Pavillon 1.5

The Le Pavillon Vineyard site in the heart of the Red Hills AVA in Dundee, is our oldest and most unique vineyard. This 10 acre site features ownrooted Pommard clone Pinot Noir planted in 1972, along with Chardonnay and Riesling, making it one of the oldest surviving vineyards in the Willamette Valley. 

The soils are volcanic-based Jory with subsurface parent material of fractured basalt. The vines are not irrigated, forcing the roots to seek water and minerals deep underground. The average elevation is 617 feet, with a south facing 9.7% slope. 
This vineyard has been farmed organically since 1999 and biodynamic since 2006, The Pinot Noir clones are primarily Pommard, with some Wadenswil, 114 & 115 grafted on to other original plantings, to provide clonal diversity. 
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2021 Holloran Pinot Noir ANA 1.5

ANA vineyard is in the Dundee Hills AVA within the Willamette Valley. Our winery sits at the south end of the ANA vineyard. ANA is a 20 acre site, planted starting in 1974, with 15 acres under vine. We dry farm this site, forcing the roots down many meters. Our farming is organic and biodynamic. 

This wine is a blend of three different PN blocks within ANA: 50% from a south facing own-rooted Pommard block planted in 1974-75; 21% from the “Tiki” block (adjacent to the Tiki hut visible as you enter the property), which has an assortment of PN clones and selections; and 29% from a west facing block of Dijon 777, planted in the early 1980’s. The 777 block sets on a steep west facing slope, with strong afternoon sun exposure. 
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2021 Holloran Pinot Noir La Chenaie 1.5

Our La Chenaie vineyard site is in the EolaAmity Hills AVA located west of Salem near Rickreall. It is a 104 acre site, planted starting in 2001, with 27 acres under vine of Pinot Noir, Tempranillo, Sauvignon Blanc, and Riesling.

Some Pinot Noir clones at the site include Dijon 777, 667, 115, 114, Wadenswil and Pommard, along with older ‘heritage’ clones. The average elevation is 507 feet, with a south facing 8% slope. 
The soils are a mix of clay and silty loam known as Jory, Gelderman, and Ritner, in that order from the deepest to the most shallow soils on the ridges. Our Pinot Noir vines are all impacted by cool afternoon breezes from the Van Duzer corridor, which also keep the nights cool and clusters dry, retaining acidity. It has been farmed organically since 2005. 
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2021 Holloran Pinot Noir "Cuvée Gran Jean" 1.5

We only produce this Gran Jean cuvee in years that we feel show the very best examples of our Pinot Noir. In 2021 our winemaker Mark LaGasse chose barrels from Le Pavillon, ANA and La Chenaie to assemble this wine. . 
The soils at all 3 sites are volcanic-based featuring the Jory series, with subsurface parent material of fractured basalt. The vines are not irrigated, forcing the roots to seek water and minerals deep underground. 
These sites are farmed organically and biodynamic. The vines at ANA & Le Pavillon are now 50 years old. 
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2021 Holloran Tempranillo La Chenaie 1.5

This wine comes from our La Chenaie vineyard site in the Eola-Amity Hills AVA, located west of Salem near Rickreall Oregon. It is a 104 acre site, planted starting in 2001, with 27.4 acres under vine of Pinot Noir, Tempranillo, Sauvignon Blanc, and Riesling. This Tempranillo is a blend of 50% Clone 1, 33% Valdepenas & 17% Clone 11. 

We drop a substantial amount of fruit every year at this site in order to ripen the grapes fully for harvest. The soils for this wine are Jory Series, including Gelderman, Saum & Jory. Our La Chenaie vineyard is farmed practicing organic and Biodynamic methods
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